Feb 17Liked by Ojuọlape

Great topic. It is our senses that are restricted. I view the brain and hence the mind as sort of a digital or neural twin of our senses. In other words the brain is a neural model of our senses. It's interesting to ponder over the possibilities of attaching a more powerful sense organ to a human brain. For instance if we swapped out the receptors in our nose with that of a dogs, would we suddenly start smelling at a 100x what we do now? Maybe not immediately but over time (say a generation) the neural twin in our head will start to model the new powerful sense organ and maybe our offspring will.

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Very interesting thoughts, thanks for sharing. I can’t help but wonder what side effects that could cause to the human experience 😅. I guess as usual, we’d adapt.

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Feb 18Liked by Ojuọlape

Other two terms like "Umwelt"are Merkwelt and Wirkwelt:

Jakob Von Uexküll coined the concept of “Umwelt,” which paradoxically supported achieving objectivity through the study of subjectivity. In his own words: “All that a subject perceives becomes his perceptual world [Merkwelt] and all that he does, his effector world [Wirkwelt].

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Oou this is fascinating, thank you for sharing, Asma!

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